21 điều lí thú khi tham gia chương trình trao đổi văn hoá Mỹ

21 điều lí thú khi tham gia chương trình trao đổi văn hoá Mỹ

21 điều lí thú khi tham gia chương trình trao đổi văn hoá Mỹ. Bạn sẽ thật ngạc nhiên khi đọc hết 21 điều này

21 điều lí thú  từ chương trình Giao lưu văn hóa

1. What you think before going

2. When you think you know the language

3. When you want to go on a trip

4. When you still don’t have a social life

5. When people insist on imitating your accent

seriously animated GIF

6. When people ask you how long it has been since you last saw your friends and family


7. When you need to write a paper and you’re just like

8. When you spend too much time on your phone and your family is like

9. When people ask you how you could leave your family behind to move abroad


10. When people don’t think you speak the language

community animated GIF

11. When you are among other people from your country

cat animated GIF

12. When people say you party too much

13. When people eat strange foods

animation animated GIF

14. Your constant food intake during the year

Cheezburger animated GIF

15. When people ask you things about your country

jon stewart animated GIF

16. When people take you to a place you haven’t been before

baby animated GIF

17. When you still can’t quite express yourself the way you’d like to in your host language and the best conversations happen in your head

18. What you want to say to the younger you who thought an exchange would be all rainbows and unicorns

19. When you wonder why you even started an exchange in the first place

20. When you have to go home and part of you is like …

happy animated GIF

… but the other part is like


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